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Mike has played with countless bands in his career, below are just a few:

    • currently playing with Heartland Baptist Church Praise Band
    • currently playing with The Main Street Jazz Orchestra
    • Union University Stage Band
    • Driven
    • Natchez
    • Kentucky Music & Arts Festival backing country singer Susan Hudson
    • Colonial Hills Praise Band (16 years)
    • Mis-Tennessee Pageant Orchestra
    • The Harvey Jett Band (formerly of Black Rock, AR)
    • Topaz
    • The Tripps
    • Island
    • Memphis Symphony Orchestra
    • Golden Circle
    • Portrait
    • Brighton
    • Paper Castle
    • Hanger
    • Authority
    • August
    • Shiloh
    • Inner Light

    For information on lessons or recording please call 901-237-9818 or e-mail Mike

site created by M-daddy Productions
©2007 Miledge Recording Studio